github mayswind/AriaNg-Native 1.0.3-rc1
AriaNg Native 1.0.3 RC1

latest releases: 1.3.8, 1.3.7, 1.3.6...
pre-release5 years ago

AriaNg Native v1.0.3 Change Log

  1. Update AriaNg to 1.0.3
  2. Add taskbar tray, support closing to the tray
  3. Add command line arguments, support opening torrent/metalink file via command line to create new task (#28)
  4. Add opening download dir in task detail page (#4)
  5. Add dragging file/link to create new task
  6. Add remembering last window size and positions
  7. Optimize UI for Windows version
  8. Add 64-bit Windows release, change release file for Windows from portable exe file to msi and 7z archive file
  9. Other bug fix and user interface optimization

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