Supported Mattermost Server Versions: 6.6.0+
- beb4612 e2e: Disable new landing page for test users (#156)
- 5514495 [MM-46124] Improve session deinitialization (#155)
- 5af4ca8 Fix audio resources leaks (#154)
- dee5614 [MM-45110] Fix overflow for long names (#146)
- cbb8ee5 Track new events (#152)
- 8188541 Disable video pause by clicking on screen sharing player (#150)
- b6303a8 Workaround to prevent signaling race (#149)
- 4a4d25f e2e: Gitlab -> Github status reporting (#148)
- fa6e3bc Return empty array instead of null (#147)
- c7b3d7f [MM-43838] WebSocket reconnection support (#145)
- e01dd5a [feat] Notice.txt generation configuration (#144)
- 2068a25 e2e: Gitlab integration (#143)
- cf4a442 Fixed invalid json format (#141)