This is a plugin-only release for Focalboard.
Major updates in this release:
- Bugfix: Adding a new view does not switch to it on v0.8.0 plugin #718
- Bugfix: Dragging a card to another column then back doesn't work #773
- Bugfix: Clicking on a Markdown link should open it in a new tab #753
- Bugfix: Invite users dialog is cut off by sidebar #744
- Bugfix: Property values disappear when renaming property #742
- Bugfix: Swapping between board group by status causes hidden groups to unhide #741
- Bugfix: Group sorting causes other boards to fall out of alignment #740
- Bugfix: can't drag card to column #708
- Bugfix: Reordering board columns is broken #420
- Bugfix: WebApp version isn't always updated on server upgrades #690