github matt8707/hass-config 2021.12

latest releases: 2023.9, 2023.7, 2023.4...
2 years ago

This is now the top thread of all time 😮

Buttons custom:button-card

Theme custom:card-mod



💡 SQL command to list worst offenders. I managed to decrease my db size by ≈ 80%

docker exec -it mariadb \
  mysql homeassistant -u"root" -p"password" \
  -e"SELECT entity_id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM states GROUP BY entity_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10;" \
  -e"SELECT JSON_VALUE(event_data, '$.entity_id') AS entity_id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM events WHERE JSON_VALUE(event_data, '$.entity_id') IS NOT NULL GROUP BY JSON_VALUE(event_data, '$.entity_id') ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10;"


If you want, you can buy me a beer 😊

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