github matrix-org/matrix-hookshot 4.5.0
4.5.0 2023-09-26

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8 months ago

4.5.0 (2023-09-26)

This release removes the deprecated vm2 module, used for processing generic webhook transformation functions. This has been replaced with quickjs which offers a safer sandbox. If you have enabled generic.allowJsTransformationFunctions in your config then you should upgrade to this version immediately.


  • Bridge Gitlab comment replies as Matrix threads. (#758)
  • Add generic webhook transformation JS snippet for Prometheus Alertmanager. (#808)


  • Fix a potential memory leak where Hookshot may hold onto certain requests forever in memory. (#814)
  • Fix feed metrics treating request failures as parsing failures. (#816)

Deprecations and Removals

  • Drop support for the Sled crypto store format. Users must disable/remove the configuration key of experimentalEncryption.useLegacySledStore, and the crypto store will always use the SQLite format. If an existing SQLite store does not exist on bridge startup, one will be created. (#798)

Internal Changes

  • Update the version number of Hookshot's Rust package. (#803)
  • Update eslint to a version that supports Typescript 5.1.3. (#815)
  • Use quickjs instead of vm2 for evaluating JS transformation functions. (#817)

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