1.0.0-pre.8 (2023-05-08)
- focus: improve usability (34d8db0)
Bug Fixes
- checkbox: incorrect logical shape var names (c2ca4f8)
- checkbox: support logical shapes (e62b16b)
- chips: incorrect shape custom property names (7ce0e25)
- focus: control not working when
reflects as empty (f83db36) - focus: update focus-ring tokens (5934de0)
- listitem: hide android tap color since we have ripple (0d3d032)
- menu: fix submenu closing when already opened and all menus closing when hovering over menuitem (f6d72f9)
- ripple: ensure ripple occurs when a keyboard generated click happens after a pointer click (016b851)
- slider: disabled slider no longer displays pressed handle color when pressed (4c229d9)
- testing: don't fire focus events twice (04d3496)
- tokens: bugs with component values() functions (beb5f81)