github material-components/material-web v0.21.0

latest releases: v1.5.1, v1.5.0, v1.4.1...
3 years ago

[v0.21.0] - 2021-04-30


  • all
    • Upgrade typescript to 4.1.4
    • Change all fields from private to protected
  • base
    • Clean up RippleInterface now that the ripple directive has been removed
    • Remove HTMLElementWithRipple interface
    • Clean up ripple property typing
  • checkbox
    • Remove underscores from internal event handler functions
  • ripple
    • Use css.declaration in ripple-theme.scss
    • Remove RippleAPI interface, merged with RippleInterface in base
    • Remove mwc-ripple-global.scss, which was only used for the ripple directive
  • menu
    • Added new closing event triggering any immediate action that must be taken
      without waiting for animations to finish.
    • BREAKING(VISUAL): Added a min-width of 112px to be in line with material
  • select
    • Added fixedMenuPosition to allow menu overlaying in nested absolute
      contexts e.g. dialog.


  • all
    • Format sass files with prettier
  • circular-progress
    • Support setting aria-label attribute
  • dialog
    • Blocking elements will not throw if dialog is closed and removed from DOM
      before opening animation is completed.
    • Memory leak with document event listener
    • Only bind event listeners once in firstUpdated
  • fab
    • Added missing documentation for extended-(label|icon)-padding custom props
  • FormElement
    • FormElement checks if change event re-refiring is needed
  • icon-button
    • Fixed label property to use aria-label attribute
  • icon-button-toggle
    • Fixed label property to use aria-label attribute
  • linear-progress
    • Fixed ariaLabel property to use aria-label attribute
  • list
    • Fix issue with diff indices of different digit length
  • ripple
    • Fix IE11 errors with isActive()
    • Fix cases where hover effect is stuck when toggling disabled
  • select
    • menu not opening when disabled initially set
  • tab
    • Clean up fixture typing so that tests work when reordered


  • base
    • Add @ariaProperty decorator
  • checkbox
    • Add ariaLabel, ariaLabelledBy, ariaDescribedBy, and name properties
  • fab
    • Added --mdc-fab-focus-outline-color
    • Added --mdc-fab-focus-outline-width
  • select
    • Forwarded layoutOptions method from foundation
  • switch
    • Add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy properties
  • radio
    • Add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy
  • slider
    • Add ariaLabel and ariaLabelledBy

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