github material-components/material-components-android 1.5.0-alpha02

latest releases: 1.13.0-alpha03, 1.13.0-alpha02, 1.12.0...
2 years ago

Library Updates

  • BottomSheet
    • Fix fitToContents reference in comment (c371372)
    • Add maxHeight to bottom sheet behavior (a38d2d8)
  • MaterialCardView
    • Add invalidate when stroke changed (4acc56d)
    • Fix checked icon tint for API < 21, BitmapDrawables (b064460)
  • Chip
    • Fix touching cannot put focus on chips with Talkback (7085319)
    • Report a11y class name as RadioButton in single selection mode (31ca110)
  • Slider
    • Fix minSeparation having no effect when stepSize > 0 (2d589bd)
  • BottomAppBar
    • Fix default style not being applied (ac1caf4)
    • Add functions for checking (STATE_SCROLLED_UP | STATE_SCROLLED_DOWN) (3bb0911)
  • Other
    • Version 1.5.0-alpha02 (0e5c393)
    • Updated some string translations for date picker, time picker, and text field (57e3bc0)
    • Fixed the transparent strip drawn at the ends of the indicator. (a55f3b8)
    • Added null check in requestAnimatorAfterCurrentCycle for disjoint indeterminate animator. (456abd5)
    • Fixed the transparent strip drawn at the ends of the indicator. (f9f57d7)
    • Add setLiftableOverrideEnabled() method to allow toggling between automatic and manual setLifted() behavior (e2c911b)
    • Updated setLifted() to preserve lifted state if using setLiftable() programmatically (67f9e9d)
    • Apply the max width/height during measure instead of modifying layout params (9fb73b5)
    • Internal change (cbf7bca)
    • Added listener for when lift on scroll background elevation and color change (3008d78)
    • Modify updateAppBarLayoutDrawableState logic to only require a child at an offset for conditions that depend on that child. For conditions that can be determined just based on the AppBarLayout, always check those conditions. (3eea607)
    • Added support for statusBarForeground lift on scroll elevation overlay for edge to edge mode and updated demo (aaa0444)
    • Fix ViewDragHelper state inconsistency (a2e7673)
    • Fix styles and attrs references in documentation (27b99ed)
  • Catalog
    • Small updates to music player demo. (cc4a604)
  • Transitions / Motion
    • Fix NPE when removing window background (b51692d)
  • MaterialDatePicker
    • Date selector hint incorrectly localized (47868d8)
  • Documentation

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