github material-components/material-components-android 1.3.0-alpha04

latest releases: 1.13.0-alpha03, 1.13.0-alpha02, 1.12.0...
3 years ago

Dependency Updates

  • No dependency updates.

Library Updates

  • TimePicker
    • Fixed typo in TextAppearance.MaterialComponents.TimePicker.Title (c6351c4)
    • Add default style attribute (materialClockStyle) to the time picker theme overlay for the clock face and clock hand, making all colors on the clock customizable. (22467b4)
    • Update title color to be in typography. (7ef5308)
    • Increased touch target size of AM/PM toggle (37c7f26)
    • Update image button appearance (4aeb6a9)
    • Moved TimePicker.Button style to MaterialTimePicker theme overlay. (eec282b)
    • Added a style for timepicker to customize icons (8da7336)
    • Added a style for the input mode button (172e7ba)
    • Added Theme Overlay to set default styles for widgets (7303181, e619132)
    • Update ripple color on the mode button for time picker to be based on the content color. (1cc34a0)
    • Changed dimens according to spec (98c090d)
    • Updated some strings translations for i18n (0ba1ecf)
  • ProgressIndicator
    • Updated track thickness used in standalone demo as 2.5 dp. (23b5eb0)
    • Renamed some attributes. (d57d054)
    • Hided AnimatorDurationScaleProvider from API. (4ac0fe0)
    • Made BaseProgressIndicator and BaseProgressIndicatorSpec abstract. (a99966a)
    • Updated class visibility. (be6ed3d)
    • Combined attributes show/hideBehaviorLinear and show/hideBehaviorCircular. (e1d9796)
    • Cleaned up deprecated class and resources. (b1ef02a)
    • Deprecated LINEAR type in ProgressIndicator and ProgressIndicator. (c76665b)
    • Fixed incorrect visibility when RecyclerView is used. (a5890bf)
    • Updated LINEAR type to LinearProgressIndicator in catalog. (8bc3f13)
    • Made LinearProgressIndicator functional and optimized readability of CircularProgressIndicator. (298dbe7)
    • Use LinearProgressIndicatorSpec in LINEAR type. (757b4fa)
    • Added LinearProgressIndicator and LinearProgressIndicatorSpec. (b664320)
    • Fixed attribute's references and added spec validation to setting indicatorSize in CircularProgressIndicator. (e019b02)
    • Deprecated CIRCULAR type in ProgressIndicator. (a7f1430)
    • Updated MDC catalog to replace ProgressIndicator (CIRCULAR type) with CircularProgressIndicator. (f021ef5)
    • Moved the logic from ProgressIndicator to BaseProgressIndicator and made CircularProgressIndicator functional. (10e7349)
    • Use CircularProgressIndicatorSpec in CIRCULAR type. (113bff7, 9215166)
    • Added CircularProgressIndicator and CircularProgressIndicatorSpec. (0a75c74, 5cfcc2e)
    • Updated ProgressIndicatorSpec to use BaseProgressIndicatorSpec. (9567746, 80aefb3)
    • Updated MDC catalog to replace ProgressIndicator (CIRCULAR type) with CircularProgressIndicator. (6d0e89a)
    • Moved the logic from ProgressIndicator to BaseProgressIndicator and made CircularProgressIndicator functional. (322d073)
    • Added BaseProgressIndicator and BaseProgressIndicatorSpec. (e73d383)
    • Detach spec object from the drawable classes. (df6334f)
    • Let indeterminate animator delegate classes use spec directly. (1acb23b)
    • Let drawing delegate classes use spec directly. (e77fe1e)
    • Added new attributes and styles for LinearProgressIndicator and CircularProgressIndicator. (1c135f0)
  • Text fields
    • Fixed clear text icon hide on double click (8ab270e)
    • Updated text fields measurements to match spec. (c8197e3)
    • Added comments explaining edit text padding values. (7bb8c4d)
  • BottomNavigationView
    • Updated BottomNavigationView to draw compat shadows and elevation overlays in pre-21 and remove top divider for non-legacy backgrounds. (9a5192a)
  • Slider
    • Fixed slider doesn't slide in Horizontal Recycler View (b2b87dd)
    • Fix touch tracking callbacks (64843c9)
    • Stop checking for scroll if not in a scrolling container (aad88a0)
    • Added animation to scale in/out label above thumbs. (1fc5e8c)
    • Invalidate after new ColorStateList and return early if same (416b8cb)
  • Badging
    • Updated getBadgeText to return a string representation of the number formatted using system Locale. (492e50f)
    • Fix lint error. (bea6978)
    • Save and restore visibility on config change. (bcb1486)
    • Update badge to support being anchored to any view in pre 18. (5e35d14)
  • Tabs
    • Add a localized a11y string for a tab (cf9027f)
    • Added initial indicator interpolation extensibility. (f8f3d90)
    • Show tooltip with tab text or content description (if tab is icon only) when long press. (fd36390)
  • Chip
    • If a close icon is purely decorative (e.g. no closeIconClickListener is specified), the close icon should not intercept the click and instead let the superclass manages the touch event for the overall chip. (93f4f16)
    • Avoid flickering when using downlodable fonts. (bc1bd23)
    • Support elevation overlay. (6951bd5)
  • MaterialDatePicker
    • Fixed overzealous smooth scrolling when horizontally swiping between months (90929ee)
    • Changes to allow the MaterialCalendar to exist inside a scrollable view. (ffcf70a)
    • Update string translations (6ad8301)
  • CollapsingToolbarLayout
    • Fixed scrolling sibling view bottom cut off issue (a21a300)
  • Transitions / Motion
    • Added basic music player and container transform to hero music player demo app. (151be9b)
    • Updated MaterialContainerTransform to support overshoot and added OvershootInterpolator, AnticipateOvershootInterpolator, and BounceInterpolator options to Catalog demos (ad1d173)
    • Update ScaleProvider and SlideDistanceProvider to respect and restore a targets original scale/translation. (d4d0dcd)
    • Added shared axis Activity demo to catalog (4ae97e5)
    • Updated FadeProvider and FadeThroughProvider to support Activity alpha. (5d0e032)
    • Updated doc to include ActivityOptions Bundle in Activity transition examples (7d77162)
    • Updated FadeThroughProvider and FadeProvider to restore target's original alpha value. (49ad522)
  • ExtendedFloatingActionButton
    • Add support for initial show animation. (5c83026)
  • Documentation
    • Updated bottomnav a11y alt text. (f664c11)
    • Updated a11y alt-text for dialog and topappbar (4ab20d7)
    • Updating Card doc with new a11y alt-text. (191a48b)
    • Fixing docs titles to be H1 (8c6a164)
    • Fix anchor links in Getting Started guide (f698b87)
    • Changed Widget.MyApp.MyButton to Widget.MyApp.Button in color doc (f468801)
    • Update documentation for color (re-ordering sections to move "Theming an Individual Component" is immediately followed by "Theming All Instances of One Component") (d7456a0)
  • Catalog
    • change fragment name to be one line max (6076715)
    • Fixed crash in TransitionMusicAlbumDemoFragment (5642d5f)
  • Snackbar
    • Add support for passing a Context to Snackbar.make() (9659a53)
    • Check for nullable AccessibilityService (b526c77)
  • ShapeableImageView
    • Support contentPadding (c4f7de1)
    • Call invalidateOutline when shape is changed (af73a17)
  • Other
    • Moved common ids from bottom navigation to central location so that it can be reused. (be616ab)
    • Update demo to add an enabled option to the radio group that previously only contained disabled options. (5398d6f)
    • Update paddings to match spec. (948bb32)
    • Updated custom background warning message to be more informative. (fe58a4c)
    • Renamed navigationIconColor attribute to navigationIconTint (e5bed86)

Full list of changes


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