github mastodon/mastodon v3.3.3

latest releases: v4.2.9, v4.1.17, v4.1.16...
2 years ago


This is a backport for the 3.3.x branch.



  • Fix being able to bypass e-mail restrictions (Gargron)

Upgrade notes

Because this is a backport, it is not available with git pull. Use git fetch && git checkout v3.3.3

As always, make sure you have backups of the database before performing any upgrades. If you are using docker-compose, this is how a backup command might look: docker exec mastodon_db_1 pg_dump -Fc -U postgres postgres > name_of_the_backup.dump


If you're upgrading from before 3.3.1, make sure you have shared-mime-info installed (apt install shared-mime-info), and also run bundle install between steps 1 and 2.

  1. Pull the code: git fetch && git checkout v3.3.3
  2. Restart mastodon-web and mastodon-sidekiq:
    systemctl reload mastodon-web
    systemctl restart mastodon-sidekiq


The exact steps depend on your setup, but they are likely to match the following:

  1. Pull the code: git fetch && git checkout v3.3.3
  2. Pull the prebuilt images: docker-compose pull, or, alternatively, build them yourself: docker-compose build --pull
  3. Restart all Mastodon processes: docker-compose up -d

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