- Fixed a hard crash on launch (yes, again)
- Added translations for native Qt elements (thanks to @panther7)
- Improved the translation percentage generator (thanks to @panther7)
- Added Slovene translation
- Fixed an issue where realtek control panel would make ElevenClock hide
- Added an option to hide the clock during 5 seconds when hovered
- Added the ability to restart the clock every x time.
- Added the ability to increase the margin time of double-clicking
- Internal optimisations and minor performance improvements.
- Improved installer overall speeds
Available languages:
(Please note that this languages might be updated in the future by the app itself. The languages listed here are the bundled ones)
SHA256: a6baa3b85753faf4627f025557282d3fa062af119ea39bb49c7c8f91170b0838