- Added the ability to individually customize clocks!
- Each clock will have its own dedicated settings window, accessible through the context menu -> Monitor tools -> Settings for this clock
- Those preferences window will have the ability to clone other clock's styles.
- ElevenClock will ask for a language at launch
- Slightly decrease CPU Usage (#1044)
- Make the focus assistant icon to also switch theme if the clock text color is automatically generated based on the background
- Updated old, broken domains for ones
- Fixed some dialogs not being clickable
- The clock background will be transpaent if it is set to and the color is a solid color
- Added more custom line heights
- Improved font spacing on dark mode
- Improvements to the welcome wizard open mechanism
- Added korean to Inno setup file
Available languages:
(Please note that this languages might be updated in the future by the app itself. The languages listed here are the bundled ones)
SHA256: 2880b50397e60628d9a1d31b5f1bd7b4387928c1b08823c245a2d1b518044530