github marmelab/react-admin v4.7.0

latest releases: v5.0.3, v5.0.2, v5.0.1...
18 months ago
  • Add lifecycle callbacks (beforeDelete, afterUpdate, etc.) to facilitate dataProvider customization (#8511) (fzaninotto)
  • Add <Count> and <ReferenceManyCount> components (#8492) (fzaninotto)
  • Add /auth-callback route and new optional authProvider.handleLoginCalback() method (#8457) (djhi)
  • Add ability to set anchorOrigin in useNotify (#8541) (fzaninotto)
  • Add ability to pass multiple children to <List> and <Create> (#8533) (fzaninotto)
  • Add <TabbedForm.Tab> and <TabbedShowLayout.Tab> shortcuts (#8525) (fzaninotto)
  • Add ability to pass a tab count in <TabbedForm.Tab> and <TabbedShowLayout.Tab> (#8543) (fzaninotto)
  • Add data sharing across tabs in ra-data-local-storage (#8542) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix <AutocompleteInput create> does not support nested optionText (#8556) (slax57)
  • Use react-query for useAuthState and useAuthenticated (#8496) (djhi)
  • Deprecate usePermissionsOptimised (#8521) (fzaninotto)
  • [TypeScript] Add ability to to extend the authProvider (#8551) (djhi)
  • [Doc] Add Realtime documentation (#8555) (fzaninotto)
  • [Doc] Add <DataTimeInput> section about how to build a parse function (#8553) (slax57)
  • [Doc] Fix instructions for setting up a redirection url for third-party auth (#8494) (fzaninotto)

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