github marmelab/react-admin v3.8.2

latest releases: v5.0.3, v5.0.2, v5.0.1...
3 years ago
  • Add ability to disable the <Empty> page in <List> (5165) (jdemangeon)
  • Fix <Edit> form has wrong pristine state when coming from a Create form (5146) (djhi)
  • Fix <ListContext> subcontexts lack resource data (5176) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix missing range header in ra-data-simple-rest getList request (5164) (jpetitcolas)
  • Fix <SortButton> label does not use resource name (5159) (WiXSL)
  • Fix webpack warnings about incorrect imports (5156) (djhi)
  • Fix Automatic Refresh in <Create> and <Edit> if the form is dirty (5152) (djhi)
  • Fix addEventListener calls for compatibility with React v17 (5147) (WiXSL)
  • Fix DOM warning in <SimpleForm> and <TabbedForm> (5143) (Kmaschta)
  • Convert Form components to TypeScript (5170) (fzaninotto)
  • [Doc] Fix sidebar navigation on Firefox (5175) (fzaninotto)
  • [Doc] Fix missing mention of i18n messages in <NullableBooleanInput> usage (5172) (sliterok)
  • [Doc] Fix wrong create verb request format in the ra-data-simple-rest data provider (5171) (Luwangel)
  • [Doc] Add example for how to add a custom back button (5155) (fzaninotto)
  • [Doc] Add ra-treemenu to the ecosystem (5153) (harshit-budhraja)
  • [Doc] Fix markdown of props tables (5150) (WiXSL)
  • [Doc] Fix missing <RichTextInput> options documentation (5145) (WiXSL)
  • [Doc] Fix documentation link hidden on small screens (5167) (Luwangel)

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