github marmelab/react-admin v3.0.0

latest releases: v5.0.2, v5.0.1, v5.0.0...
4 years ago

🎉 🎉 🎉 The 3.0 stable is here! 🎉 🎉 🎉 Read the announcement blog post.

This changelog only shows the changes since the latest beta. To see the the entire list of changes in the 3.0, check the 3.0.0 milestone on github.

If you want to upgrade from a 2.x application, head to the upgrade guide.

Incidentally, react-admin recently crossed the ⭐ ⭐ 10,000 stars ⭐ ⭐ on GitHub, so this release is a double celebration!

  • Fix IE11 support on demo (4007) (m4theushw)
  • Fix anchor in Input documentation (4004) (WiXSL)
  • Fix setting filter resets pagination (4000) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix Inputs doc to make props more obvious (3998) (fzaninotto)
  • Update demo example to use function components (3995) (WiXSL)
  • Fix useGetMany hook accumulatedIds filter function (3989) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix <SelectInput variant="standard"> shows warning for unknown class (3988) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix <Login> component does not accept style override (3986) (zyhou)
  • Fix <Field> in form does not like the variant prop (3984) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix useQueryWithStore and useGetMany return error: null when success after first fail (3983) (Slavvkko)
  • Fix <RadioButtonGroupInput> label size (3974) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix <CloneButton> for nested objects (3973) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix <TabbedFormTabs> computes wrong tab index (3972) (natrim)
  • Fix useSuggestions crashes on empty value (3971) (natrim)
  • Fix dataProvider console logs in production (3967) (WiXSL)
  • Fix various typos in docs (3963) (WiXSL)
  • Fix warning in <LoginForm> (3961) (WiXSL)
  • Fix warnings caused by passing new FinalForm form state property dirtyFieldsSinceLastSubmit (3959) (MiMo42)

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