github marmelab/react-admin v2.6.4

latest releases: v5.0.3, v5.0.2, v5.0.1...
5 years ago
  • Fix <CreateButton> not being re-translated when language changes at runtime (2842) (maoueh)
  • Fix prettier maintenance command (2839) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix <AutocompleteInput> reopens after selection (2836) (djhi)
  • Fix e2e tests fail on Chrome 72 (2834) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix <AutocompleteInput> issues by removing auto selection (2833) (djhi)
  • Fix default values for <Filter> cannot be removed by user (2831) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix missing formMiddleware export preventing custom apps to work (2828) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix <RichTextInput> adds extra paragraph element after list items (2826) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix asyncValidation issue for <SelectInput> (2825) (erkimiilberg)
  • Migrate remaining actions and side effects to Typescript (2824) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix outdated documentation about messages prop in <Admin> (2822) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix warning when using <Pagination> in <ReferenceManyField> (2819) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix warning in <CloneButton> when used inside <Toolbar> (2818) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix error when using <Edit> component as expand in <List> (2817) (fzaninotto)
  • Fix <DeleteButton undoable={false} /> in <List /> does not refresh List (2662) (BartoGabriel)
  • Update link to Dutch translation package (2814) (nickwaelkens)
  • Add mention of new data provider ra-strapi-rest (2796) (nazirov91)
  • Remove mention of react Context in the translation documentation (2841) (maoueh)

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