github manzt/anywidget anywidget@0.9.12

latest releases: @anywidget/signals@0.0.4, @anywidget/signals@0.0.3, @anywidget/signals@0.0.2...
one month ago

Patch Changes

  • Add IPython Cell Magic for HMR (#594)

    New %%vfile cell magic for prototyping widgets in notebooks. Enables syntax highlighting and anywidget's Hot Module Replacement (HMR) directly within the notebook.

    Previously, front-end code had to be inline strings or file paths, causing loss of widget state when editing inline-strings in notebooks. The new %%vfile cell magic allows editing front-end code within the notebook with live reloading on cell re-execution.

    Use %%vfile <filename> to create a virtual file for either JavaScript or CSS, and use vfile:<filename> in _esm or _css attributes of an AnyWidget subclass to reference the virtual file. Anywidget applies HMR updates automatically on cell re-execution.


    %load_ext anywidget


    %%vfile index.js
    export default {
      render({ model, el }) {
        el.innerHTML = `<h1>Hello, ${model.get("name")}!</h1>`;


    import anywidget
    import traitlets
    class Widget(anywidget.AnyWidget):
        _esm = "vfile:index.js"
        name = traitlets.Unicode("world").tag(sync=True)

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