github manticoresoftware/manticoresearch 7.4.6
Manticore Search 7.4.6

one day ago

Version 7.4.6

Released: Feb 28th 2025

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Major changes

  • Issue #832 Integration with Kibana for easier and more efficient data visualization.

Minor changes

  • Issue #1727 Fixed floating-point precision differences between arm64 and x86_64.
  • Issue #2995 Implemented performance optimizations for join batching.
  • Issue #3039 Implemented performance optimizations for EstimateValues in histograms.
  • Issue #3099 Added support for Boost 1.87.0. ❤️ Thank you, @cho-m for the PR.
  • Issue #77 Optimized block data reuse when creating filters with multiple values; added min/max to attribute metadata; implemented pre-filtering of filter values based on min/max.


  • Commit 73ac Fixed handling of expressions in joined queries when attributes from both the left and right tables are used; fixed the index_weights option for the right table.
  • Issue #2915 Using avg() in a SELECT ... JOIN query could lead to incorrect results; this is now fixed.
  • Issue #2996 Fixed an incorrect result set caused by the implicit cutoff when join batching was enabled.
  • Issue #3031 Fixed a crash in the daemon during shutdown when an active chunk merge was in progress.
  • Issue #3037 Fixed an issue where IN(...) could produce incorrect results.
  • Issue #3038 Setting max_iops / max_iosize in version 7.0.0 could degrade indexing performance; this is now fixed.
  • Issue #3042 Fixed a memory leak in the join query cache.
  • Issue #3052 Fixed the handling of query options in joined JSON queries.
  • Issue #3054 Fixed an issue with the ATTACH TABLE command.
  • Issue #3079 Fixed inconsistencies in error messages.
  • Issue #3087 Setting diskchunk_flush_write_timeout=-1 per table did not disable index flushing; this is now fixed.
  • Issue #3088 Resolved duplicate entries after bulk replacing large IDs.
  • Issue #3126 Fixed a daemon crash caused by a full-text query with a single NOT operator and an expression ranker.
  • Issue #3128 Fixed a potential vulnerability in the CJSON library. ❤️ Thank you, @tabudz for the PR.

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