Date: 2023.02.09
Releases: libmamba 1.3.1, libmambapy 1.3.1, mamba 1.3.1, micromamba 1.3.1
A bugfix release for 1.3.0!
Bug fixes:
- [micromamba, libmamba] fix up single download target perform finalization to make lockfile download work by @wolfv in #2274
- [micromamba] use CONDA_PKGS_DIRS even in explicit installation trasactions by @hmaarrfk in #2265
- [libmamba, micromamba] fix rename or remove by @wolfv in #2276
- [libmamba] add channel specific job with new str by @AntoinePrv in #2277
- [libmamba, micromamba] fix
micromamba shell
for base environment, and improve behavior whenauto_activate_base
is true by @jonashaag, @Hind-M and @wolfv #2272