github mamba-org/mamba 2022.05.11

latest releases: 2024.05.29, micromamba-2.0.0beta3, libmambapy-2.0.0beta3...
2 years ago

Date: 2022.05.11

Releases: libmamba 0.23.1, libmambapy 0.23.1, mamba 0.23.1, micromamba 0.23.1

Bug fixes

[micromamba] Fix powershell unset of env vars (thanks @chawyeshu) #1668
[all] Fix thread clean up and singleton destruction order (thanks @Klaim) #1666, #1620
[all] Show reason for multi-download failure (thanks @syslaila) #1652
[libmamba] Fix platform splitting to work with unknown platforms #1662
[libmamba] Create prefix before writing the config file #1662
[libmamba] Retry HTTP request on 413 & 429, respect Retry-After header (thanks @kenodegard) #1661
[mamba] Add high-level Python API (thanks @martinRenou) #1656
[libmamba] Initialize curl (thanks @Klaim) #1648
[libmamba] Replace thread detaching by thread joining before main's end (thanks @Klaim) #1637

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