github malensek/3RVX v2.9.2
Beta 10

pre-release8 years ago

What should have been a quick bugfix release turned into a very long development cycle (around 500 commits since the last release). Beta 10 adds several new features and bugfixes.

Going forward, there will be two primary new features: brightness and keyboard OSDs. After this functionality is complete, development efforts will shift towards bug fixes and improving some of the functionality (making keyboard/mouse hotkeys more robust, for instance).

Thanks to everyone for reporting bugs and helping make this release possible. I have a feeling 2.9.3 will come much more quickly (probably due to new bugs/regressions introduced in this release...).

WARNING: Brightness and Keyboard functionality is NOT complete, but the settings are available in the Settings UI. Please ignore these for now.


Coming soon after sanity checks are complete.


  • Custom volume curves
  • Custom volume limits
  • Ability to force a volume limit on other applications
  • Customizable default audio device (instead of always using the system default)
  • Option to mute the volume on session lock [#48]
  • Eject notification icon
  • Detailed error messages
  • Bugfix: Hotkey argument range validation
  • Bugfix: Changing the volume slider while muted now unmutes the volume
  • Bugfix: Display changes are monitored and accounted for (multi-monitor setups) [#36]
  • Bugfix: Intermittent optical disk eject failure [#37]
  • Bugfix: Null device crash [#42, #45]
  • Bugfix: Updates launched from the settings app didn't shut down 3RVX

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