github magicalpanda/MagicalRecord v2.3.0-beta.2
MagicalRecord v2.3.0-beta.2

latest releases: v2.4.0, v2.3.3, v2.3.2...
pre-release10 years ago

MagicalRecord 2.3 is the final 2.x point release of MagicalRecord. It is also the final release that will support the iOS 6.x and OS X 10.8 SDKs.

What's changed since Beta 1?

  • MR_createInContext: has been deprecated in favour of the more consistent MR_createEntityInContext:
  • MR_deleteInContext: has been deprecated in favour of the more consistent MR_deleteEntityInContext:
  • Logging can now be controlled at runtime. It is not necessary to define MR_LOGGING_ENABLED — just use the new + [MagicalRecord setLogLevel: … ]; method — there is documentation on the new logging method in the wiki
  • Add MR_findFirstOrCreateByAttribute: … methods to the NSManagedObject+MagicalFinders category
  • Fix data imports so that the return value from -(BOOL)import<#AttributeName#>: data import methods is not ignored
  • Fix the return type of the - MR_aggregateOperation: … methods — it was never guaranteed that the return value would be an NSNumber, so the type is now id
  • Fix an issue where MR_clearContextForCurrentThread was not clearing the context cache version which would cause an assertion failure on the next call to MR_contextForCurrentThread
  • Restore + MR_fetchController: delegate: useFileCache: groupedBy: inContext: method to public header
  • Some documentation has been updated in the wiki, but it is very much a work in progress

Please report any issues you find and be sure to mention that you're using this version (v2.3.0-beta.2)

Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to this release!

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