github magento/pwa-studio v12.6.0

latest releases: v14.1.0-alpha.2, v14.0.0, v14.0.0-beta.1...
23 months ago

PWA Studio Release 12.6.0

This changelog only contains release notes for PWA Studio and Venia 12.6.0.
For older release notes, see PWA Studio releases.


The 12.6.0 release of PWA Studio focuses on accessibility improvements and bug fixes.

  • Accessibility Improvements: Added autocomplete attributes to checkout shipping and payment forms — 3785
  • Accessibility Improvements:: Open panels now have keyboard focus. — 3805
  • Accessibility Improvements:: Navigation buttons for carousels now meet contrast requirements. — 3787
  • Controls now have a descriptive accessible name. Visible [label] elements are correctly associated with their inputs using the "for" attribute. — 3786
  • Removes duplicate logic from QuoteGraphQlPwa module — 29
  • Bug Fix: Failing cypress tests fixed — 3911
  • Bug Fix - Braintree payment form Customer Name field values now appear normal. — 3912
  • Bug Fix: Braintree npm package braintree-web-drop-in updated to latest version to fix csp related console errors. — 3912
  • Accessibility Improvements: Keyboard focus no longer lands on hidden elements in Kebab menu — 3800
  • Fixed a bug in mobile view where the Edit and Remove options in the kebab menu for a cart item on the cart page is non functional. - 3925
  • Fixed a console error when accessing different filters. - 30

12.6.0 Lighthouse scores

With each new release of PWA Studio, we perform Lighthouse audits of four Venia page types, each representing a different level of complexity. Shown below are the Lighthouse scores for the 12.6.0 release of these pages on desktop and mobile devices.

Desktop scores

Home Page Product Category Product Details Search Results
Best Practices

Mobile scores

  Home Page   Product Category Product Details Search Results
Best Practices

Upgrading from a previous version

Use the steps outlined in this section to update your scaffolded project from 12.5.0 to 12.6.0.
See Upgrading versions for more information about upgrading between PWA Studio versions.

Update dependencies

Open your package.json file and update the PWA Studio package dependencies to the versions associated with this release.
The following table lists the latest versions of each package as of 12.6.0.

Your project may not depend on some packages listed in this table.

Package Latest version
babel-preset-peregrine 1.2.1
create-pwa 2.3.2
experience-platform-connector 1.0.1
upward-security-headers 1.0.10
venia-sample-backends 0.0.8
venia-sample-eventing 0.0.2
venia-sample-language-packs 0.0.10
venia-sample-payments-checkmo 0.0.8
pagebuilder 7.4.1
peregrine 12.5.1
pwa-buildpack 11.4.0
pwa-theme-venia 1.3.0
upward-js 5.3.2
upward-spec 5.2.1
venia-concept 12.6.0
venia-ui 9.6.0
magento2-pwa 0.3.0
magento2-pwa-commerce 0.0.2
magento-venia-sample-data-modules 0.0.3
magento-venia-sample-data-modules-ee 0.0.2
magento2-upward-connector 2.0.1
upward-php 2.0.1

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