github mage-ai/mage-ai 0.9.16
0.9.16 | Gran Turismo 🏁

latest releases: 0.9.71, 0.9.70, 0.9.68...
9 months ago

Gran Turismo

What's Changed

🎉 Exciting New Features

✨ Global data products are now available in Mage! 🎉

A data product is any piece of data created by 1 or more blocks in a pipeline. For example, a block can create a data product that is an in-memory DataFrame, or a JSON serializable data structure, or a table in a database.

A global data product is a data product that can be referenced and used in any pipeline across the entire project. A global data product is entered into the global registry (global_data_products.yaml) under a unique ID (UUID) and it references an existing pipeline. Learn more here.

by @tommydangerous in #3206

✨ Add block templates for MSSQL 🤘

We now have some awesome block templates for our MySQL users out there!

Check them out:

image image

by @wangxiaoyou1993 in #3294

✨ Support sharing memory objects across blocks

In a pipeline's metadata.yml, you can now configure running pipelines in a single process:

run_pipeline_in_one_process: true

You may now also:

  • Define object once and make it available in any block in the pipeline via keyword arguments kwargs['context']
  • Pass variables between blocks in memory directly

by @wangxiaoyou1993 in #3280

🐛 Bug Fixes

💅 Enhancements & Polish

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.9.14...0.9.16

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