This release cleans up loads of issues with various UI components and really makes Pinepods feel like a daily driver application. Everything is cleaned up and much more even now. The mobile experience is also greatly improved.
Perhaps most excitingly there's now a way to add custom podcast feeds from url in the settings. In addition to that, there's now an official Pinepods news feed! You can subscribe to this feed and get news about Pinepods delivered straight to your normal podcast feed. I will use this delivery method exclusively to inform you about news or updates related to Pinepods. Nothing more. Upon starting up Pinepods and building the database for the first time you will be automatically subscribed to this feed, but if you'd prefer to not get the notifications about updates you can unsubscribe from it just like you would with any other podcast.
If you already have an instance of Pinepods spun up you will not be auto subscribed if you continue using your existing database. In that case you can manually subscribe to it using this url:
Here's the full changelog.
- Fix appearance and layout of podcasts on podcast screen or on searching pages. (Also added additional see more type dropdowns for descriptions to make them fit better.)
- Fix mobile experience to make images consistently sized
- Fixed layout of pinepods logo on user stats screen
- Expanded the search bar on search podcasts page for small screens. It was being cut off a bit
- Fixed order of history page
- Downloads page typo
- Improve look of search podcast dropdown on small screens
- Made the setting accordion hover effect only over the arrows.
- Added area in the settings to add custom podcast feeds
- Added a Pinepods news feed that gets automatically subscribed to on fresh installs. You can easily unsubscribe from this if you don't care about it
- Added ability to access episodes for an entire podcast from the episode display screen (click the podcast name)
- Created functionality so the app can handle when a feed doesn't contain an audio file
- Added playback speed button in the episode playing page. Now you can make playback faster!
- Added episode skip button in the episode playing page. Skips to the next in the queue.
- Fixed issue with the reverse button in the episode page so that it now reverses the playback by 15 seconds.
- Fixed issue where spacebar didn't work in app when episode was playing
- Added and verified support for mysql databases. Thanks @rgarcia6520