github machty/ember-concurrency 0.7.0
uncatchable TaskCancelation

latest releases: 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0.0...
7 years ago


  • within a task generator function, TaskCancelation "errors" are
    longer "catchable" in the catch block of a try/catch. This means
    you no longer have to check if the error thrown is a cancelation
    in order to handle it differently than an exception.
  • That said, since promises have no concept of cancelation, if
    you perform a task within a promise (or you call
    someTask.perform().then(...).catch(...)), then any promise
    catch handlers will be called with TaskCancelation "errors",
    and if you need to distinguish between cancelation and exceptions
    thrown, you can import and use the new didCancel utility function,
    which returns true if the error passed to it is a TaskCancelation.
    Previously, the only safe way to test this was to check
    err && === 'TaskCancelation'; now you can just
    import { didCancel } from 'ember-concurrency' and
    check didCancel(err).

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