github macchrome/winchrome v72.0.3626.109-r612437-Win64
Chromium v72.0.3626.109-r612437-Win64 Ungoogled

Chromium for 64 and 32-bit Windows - Ungoogled - Thursday, 14 February 2019

Chromium 72.0.3626.109 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision fae8db7ab9280fa6704a59980263c804f809ebd5-refs/branch-heads/3626@{#857}
OS Windows

No Sync - WebRTC - Widevine - All Codecs - ThinLTO

clang/llvm 9.0.0-r353374

Standard build of Eloston's ungoogled-chromium. All patches applied, apart from "Safe Browser". Linking failed due to safe browsing being removed, so I decided not to remove any element of safe browsing.

ungoogled-chromium-72.0.3626.109-1_windows.7z (7-Zip archive)
SHA1 441EEBB57EE88FF3B30FFF3F087FE5A625E5F847

Ungoogled-Chromium-72.0.3626.109-Win32.7z (7-Zip archive)
SHA1 D6F9E9B70BD4F31EAF4C3D70FFF7923A41A753B9

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