github macchrome/winchrome v103.0.5060.68-r1002911-Win64
Chromium v103.0.5060.68-r1002911 - ungoogled

Chromium for 64-bit Windows - Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Chromium 103.0.5060.68 (Official Build, ungoogled-chromium)
Revision ecf27c8f8baecbb34c5c370b60c28ce36b323e7e-refs/branch-heads/5060@{#1073}

OS Windows

  • GNU/Linux cross-compiled
  • SDK 10.0.22000.194 (Visual Studio 2022 17.1.5)
  • clang/llvm (Default)
  • PGO
  • Additional flag: chrome://flags/#enable-clear-hevc-for-testing
  • (chrome://flags/#win-10-tab-search-caption-button) needs to be disabled to remove tab search button on Windows.

No Sync - WebRTC - Widevine - All Codecs - ThinLTO - Ungoogled

ungoogled-chromium-103.0.5060.68-1_windows.7z (64-bit)
SHA1 A916DBB292B31D3649FA65327B10333DA555833E


103.0.5060.68_ungoogled_mini_installer.exe (64-bit)
SHA1 2AA38F06EC6765C524223CC4AA50E9D63BC3D569

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