github macadmins/python v.
Python 3.9.5 (October 21 2021 19:16:01)

2 years ago


Python 3.9.5 Framework


  • Upgraded Python to 3.9.5
  • Updated the following libraries:
    • attrs to 21.2.0
    • black to 21.6b0
    • certifi to 2021.05.30
    • cffi to 1.14.5
    • cfgv to 3.3.0
    • distlib to 0.3.2
    • docklib to 1.3.0
    • flake8-bugbear to 21.4.3
    • flake8 to 3.9.2
    • identify to 2.2.10
    • importlib-metadata to 4.6.1
    • isort to 5.9.2
    • nodeenv to 1.6.0
    • packaging to 21.0
    • pathspec to 0.8.1
    • pre-commit to 2.13.0
    • pycodestyle to 2.7.0
    • pyflakes to 2.3.1
    • PyYAML to 5.4.1
    • regex to 2021.7.6
    • requests to 2.25.1
    • six to 1.16.0
    • tokenize-rt to 4.1.0
    • toml to 0.10.2
    • typed-ast to 1.4.3
    • urllib3 to 1.26.6
    • virtualenv to 20.0.27
    • zipp to 3.5.0

Flavors of Python

At this time, the automated build process will only create the Recommended package


This is a Python.framework that contains everything from minimal, and a few libraries that various well known open source projects require.

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