github macadmins/nudge v1.1.12.81501

latest releases: v2.0.0.81674, v2.0.0.81673, v2.0.0.81663...
9 months ago


This is a pre-release version of Nudge created by GitHub Actions. has been signed and notarized. The package has been signed, notarized and stapled.

By default Nudge looks for a com.github.macadmins.Nudge.json file located in /Library/Preferences. If you would like to use an alternative path, please read the README or the WIKI

About the LaunchAgent

This is a basic launch agent that opens Nudge twice an hour, every 30 minutes.
If you would like to reduce the amount of times Nudge launches per day, it is recommended to create your own LaunchAgent.



  • calendarDeferralUnit key to utilize the approachingWindowTime or imminentWindowTime for calendar deferrals
  • Ukrainian localization
  • Created an inverted nudge icon for company logo tests
  • Added base64 string support directly to iconDarkPath, iconLightPath, screenShotDarkPath, and screenShotLightPath
    • Some MDMs have issues deplyoying larger mdm profiles > 1MB, so please run your pngs through to compress them
    • Run base64 cli and convert to a string base64 -b 100000000 < ~Downloads/tinified/screenShotDark.png | pbcopy
    • Added them to your management file and prefixed the base64 encoded string with data:image/png;base64,
    • Ensure there is no extra lines on the preferences
  • Ability to load Launchagent with new SMAppService for macOS 13 and higher


  • Improved Github Actions build time - is no longer directly notarized during the build process as it was a redundant action
  • Moved to generic macOS icon for logo use. Will no longer have to maintain this logo for each major macOS version
  • Github runner is now macOS 13
  • Xcode 15 is now required to build Nudge
  • Built with Swift 5.9
  • Moved back to apple-actions/import-codesign-certs for codesigning certs
  • Moved to Xcode 15's new String Catalog feature for all localization
  • Enhancements to localization efforts to allow SwiftUI previews to properly work
  • Updated SwiftUI previews for every view to properly preview the UI changes without rendering the entire application
  • Moved to new Swift/SwiftUI previews built on macros
  • Updated builtInAcceptableApplicationBundleIDs for Big Sur, updates and Sonoma
  • Renamed background blur calls to a more appropriate name
  • Moved as many things as possible to EnvironmentObject instead of ObservedObject to allow objects to flow to other UI views without directly calling them as a variable.
  • Renamed viewObserved to appState due to EnvironmentObject changes
  • Removed ContentView.swift and move everything to Main.swift to better understand its logic
  • Made a new Defaults swift file for common things used across every swift file
  • More sorting of files and order to better read the codebase
  • Ran all pngs through TinyPNG to further reduce the size of the application (approximately 15% app size reduction)
  • Ran all screen shots through TinyPNG to reduce code repo (muliple megabytes of reduction)



  • 13e962a - *.plist files do not need to be executable (#441) (#465)
  • 2fd8f5b - update all used actions
  • 911e433 - try to not notarize the app
  • a5e8e44 - Update PNG icon to reflect Pixelmator file contents (#485)
  • 85c90ac - Fix branches (#488)
  • 0cafcb6 - Merge calendarDeferralUnit into main (#489)
  • dd9036b - fixed window size issue for Ventura (#490)
  • f3b9469 - move to xcode 14.3 and macos 13 runners
  • c9536a5 - add Ukrainian localization
  • f30e7d2 - temp stop doing tests due to GHA bug on macOS 13
  • c7525a2 - Fix bug where updatelabel would be assigned the label of the last listed update, resulting in softwareupdate possibly downloading the wrong update (#497)
  • fae967b - upgrade
  • 2be7fa4 - move to localization string catalog
  • 6ef128d - redo xcode previews
  • e8a1d2e - fix localization for swiftui previews
  • 00aaacb - more preview enhancements
  • 40a29d5 - add some more acceptablebundleids
  • 856f3ce - move to generic macOS png
  • 99090e3 - 14
  • cdbd7d1 - fix previews and actual runs for locale
  • e239b18 - remove dupe processinfo calls
  • 708578a - alpha import
  • 76dac8f - refactor of state, observableobject/environment
  • beef826 - move things around to read easier
  • efd9c67 - allow base64 encoding of company logo
  • d3fe7cb - Add base64 to Screenshots and fix background colors
  • 7e5ead6 - bump to 1.1.12
  • 81a4601 - try xcode unit tests again with new github actions
  • 57b6532 - move to Xcode 15 app path for GHA
  • 8368493 - add first bit of changelog for 1.1.12
  • 17d37df - add SMAppService changelog
  • 8668221 - move to preview macros
  • 69e52f8 - update french hours remaining
  • f41ba9d - Center nudge immediately when screen properties change
  • 853747f - tiny png all the pngs
  • 1ceb58f - finish changelog

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