2.0.0-beta.4 (2020-02-12)
Bug Fixes
- localisation algorithms for thermopile sensors (cc67cf1)
- bluetooth-classic: adapt timeouts to match shorter interval (e2c83bf)
- bluetooth-low-energy: remove usage of txPowerLevel (a4425ba)
- home-assistant: no availability msgs for distributed child devices (1b82c55)
- bluetooth-classic: added inquiries switch (8f4d7f4)
- bluetooth-classic: adds minRssi option (2051e8e)
- bluetooth-classic: reduce interval to 6 seconds (4b77868)
- bluetooth-low-energy: added max distance option (c7098cc)
- cli: added config dir option (56d3f4a)
- added Docker configuration (546fe62)
- entities: added a switch entity (52eaef5)