github lx-s/WinMute 2.2.0
WinMute 2.2.0

latest releases:,,
23 months ago

New release! Unfortunately, and for the first time ever, WinMute has to lose features instead of gaining them.

In 2.2.0 I decided to remove the screensaver-detection, as injecting an unsigned DLL was causing various new games (most notably Darktide and Overwatch 2) to display an error message from their anti-cheat module. Apart from that, screensaver detection has always been kinda flaky and not really possible to make a clean implementation, since Windows only ever notifies the current foreground process that a screensaver starts.

This problem might me migitated if WinMute's screensaver detection DLLs would be signed, but the signing process is too expensive for this little open-source project. Also, in times of rising energy prices, just letting your display go into standby might not be the worst idea ;)

If you absolutely rely on screensaver detection, I recommend just sticking with the previous versions for the time being.

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