github luispadron/UICircularProgressRing v5.0.0
Version 5.0.0

latest releases: v8.0.0, v7.0.0, v6.5.0...
5 years ago

Version 5.0.0

Major changes

  • New UICircularTimerRing view!
  • Complete API overhaul

New changes

  • Refactored the UICircularProgressRing class into two classes, a new base class UICircularRing and the concrete implementation UICircularProgressRing.
  • Added new UICircularTimerRing view which allows setting a timer, pausing, continuing etc. Without worrying about formatting the value string, get accurate time, etc.
  • Almost the entire code and API has been refactored
  • Add new UICircularRingValueFormatter for much nicer handling of formatting values for both views
  • Add new UICircularGradientOptions and updated UICircularRingStyle to be much more "swifty" in order to use case stored properties.
  • Removed a ton of duplicated code between layer and actual ring class, no longer using a ton of @NSManaged properties, instead the layer asks the ring for the needed values. This looks much nicer.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with gradient style not having the correct radius and thus clipping
  • Fixed issues with border clipping in some cases

Breaking changes

  • Removed most Objective-C support, because being forced to write nice, new and maintainable code for both Swift and Objective-C has led to issues with adding new features, and its just not feasible if I want to be able to maintain and do cool things with this project. It sucks in terms of backwards compatibility but in the long run I think it'll be worth it.
  • Removed a ton of @IBInspectable properties, a lot of these like ringStyle behaved really badly, they required using some sort of integer and then converting that into the actual enum type for the ring style, all properties that had this issue have been removed. Until Apple adds support for enum, or more complex properties I'll only be providing IB support for the basic properties of the ring.
  • A lot of API changes were done to the styling of the ring, take a look at the docs, specifically UICircularRingStyle, UICircularGradientOptions, and UICircularRingValueFormatter.

Migrating from version 4

I expect the migration to be painful, I'm very sorry! I felt that the only way to keep this library going into the future was to completely overhaul and update the API and underlying code. This has obviously led to breaking just about everything, again, I'm sorry.

Some tips:

  • If you were using interface builder, take a look at the docs for UICircularRing and UICircularProgressRing. A lot of @IBInspectable properties have been removed/renamed. If these were set in your storyboards/xibs, they will be broken and must be removed from the views settings in IB.
  • Complex styling options are now done in code, with .style, .valueFormatter and optionally .valueKnobStyle. Take a look at the docs to learn more.

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