We are excited to announce the release of 2.2.1!
This release includes a variety of fixes and new features contributed by our talented community members, mainly in frontend components. We appreciate your ongoing support and collaboration in making lowcoder better with each release.
Here are the key highlights of this release:
Plugin Creator Fixes:
- Fixed issues with the Plugin creator by @FalkWolsky.
- Updated documentation for the Plugin creator by @FalkWolsky.
Client Build and Editor Fixes:
- Resolved client build issues by @raheeliftikhar5.
- Addressed issues related to editor popup behavior when selecting suggestions and opening from config popup by @raheeliftikhar5.
- Improved date input validation by @raheeliftikhar5.
- Fixed the text color in the table status column by @raheeliftikhar5.
- Solved custom plugin publishing issues (#583) by @raheeliftikhar5.
Account Linking:
- Introducing the ability to link accounts based on common auth IDs (email) by @aq-ikhwa-tech.
Style Enhancements:
- Added hover and active color options in link styles (#585) by @raheeliftikhar5.
User-Friendly Functionality:
- Enabled scroll in table columns configs popup by @raheeliftikhar5.
- Provided functionality to allow users to link to auth providers by @aq-ikhwa-tech.
Workflow Improvements:
- Handling for LOWCODER_CREATE_SIGNUP_WORKSPACE by @aq-ikhwa-tech.
- Simplified API service build by @ludomikula.
- Allow serving static files from a mounted volume by @ludomikula.
- Updated Component Plugin Demo by @FalkWolsky.
- Updated docker build to allow arm64 builds
We encourage you to explore these changes, provide feedback, and continue contributing to the lowcoder community. A big thank you to all our contributors for their hard work and dedication!
Thank you for being part of the lowcoder journey.