github love2d/love 11.1
LÖVE 11.1 [Mysterious Mysteries]

latest releases: 11.5, 11.4, 11.3...
4 years ago

Released: 2018-04-15


* Fixed failing randomly.
* Fixed when no Canvas is active.
* Fixed stencil and depth support on older phones.
* Fixed love.event.quit causing crashes and other unexpected behaviour if a Canvas is active.
* Fixed Fixture:getShape crashing when returning a ChainShape.
* Fixed love.joystick.loadJoystickMappings outputting a deprecation warning about love.filesystem.isFile.
* Fixed Source:queue to show the correct argument name in the error message when an invalid data parameter is given.
* Fixed t.console=true causing an error on Windows if lovec.exe is used.

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