github lordmilko/PrtgAPI v0.9.16
PrtgAPI 0.9.16

latest releases: v0.9.19, v0.9.18, v0.9.17...
3 years ago

New Features

  • Implement support for generating sensor history reports showing precise uptime/downtime within a specified time range. Accessible via the new PrtgClient.GetSensorHistoryReport method or via the new -Report parameter on the Get-SensorHistory cmdlet. For more information, please see the wiki


  • AddSensor / Add-Sensor now hints that you may need to specify DynamicType on your request parameters when it is unable to resolve the created object (a common occurrence with snmplibrary sensors)
  • PrtgAPI now stores more precise build numbers (especially useful for differentiating between various pre-release builds) via AssemblyInformationVersion attributes, exposed when troubleshooting via Get-PrtgClient -Diagnostic


  • Fix ConvertUtilities.ToDynamicDouble not using "normal" rounding (MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) resulting in a failure to properly parse values in some scenarios (#218)
  • ConvertUtilities.ToDynamicDouble can now convert theoretically any single character thousands/decimal group separator combination (#221)
  • Fix GetProbe not returning all probes in some environments due to new probe retrieving logic implemented in PrtgAPI 0.9.15 (#219)

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