github loomio/loomio v2.15.4

latest releases: v2.22.2, v2.22.1, v2.22.0...
14 months ago

Quite a number of small improvements and bug fixes. Highly recommended stable release.

ThreadPage: Check for unsaved comment when user clicks cancel reply
Add 'waiting on votes from' to chatbot notification
Fix permissions so members can notify chatbots
Poll#show fix display of poll results tables in-app
PollPage show set_outcome and edit_vote modals if requested
Poll links: If a poll is part of a thread, link to the the poll within the thread
CategoryTagsList: Fix reorder tags.
Feature: add ability to uncast a vote. Called "Remove vote" in the UI
Change title of "change history" for votes
WYSIWYG Editor: Add dark mode colors for upload progress bar
GroupExportService fix bug where subgroups would have incorrect parent
Fix date display when logged out
Fix group/polls and poll/votes pagination
PollPage: fix pagination of votes panel
Poll invite: fix a bug where you sometimes cannot invite group members
poll validations: only validate reason if vote has been cast
Chatobt attachments: use file.basename where possible
Poll#add_to_thread: Be sure to add votes to thread when adding poll to thread
Poll show page: fix issue #9280 - switching between polls via notfications does not work
add migration so that votes of polls added to threads after they were created are included in the thread
discussion form: disable group selection for existing discussions
generic oauth provider
ChatbotService capture http post errors from webhooks so we can debug
Group page: fix issue where 'you are not a member' shows when it shou
discussion form: remove settings tab, as it was causing layout issues
TextEditor: add background to tools menu so you can easily see it when editing long content
admin/users add a note about destroy spam
admin/users: add a sign_in_count filter to the users admin panel
admin/groups fix destroy group function
admin/users add time_zone and locale filters
discussion form: add 'edit_layout' button to bottom of form
auth_signup_form: Fix so that errors show up when you cannot create an account
Membership::redeem Fix for ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique when accepting memberships
Dockerfile: move to debian bookworm for updated tzdata
DiscussionService#discard when we discard a discussion, be sure to discard any polls in the discussion too
PollService#discard when discarding polls, and removing them from a thread, make sure we don't forget to remove stance_updated events from the thread too
GroupExportService add support for exporting direct (invite-only) threads related to the members of the group being exported
direct-threads: add load more button to the invite only threads page
translations update

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