github logaretm/vee-validate vee-validate@4.0.0-beta.19

latest releases: v4.12.8, v4.12.7, v4.12.6...
pre-release3 years ago

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fixed an issue where globally registered component won't render with as prop #3014

💥 Breaking But Cool Changes

Deprecated the reset methods on Field, Form components, and useField and useForm functions, instead added a new:

  • resetField on <Field /> and useField
  • resetForm on <Form /> and useForm

The new methods offer new DX improvements over the old reset API, including an automatic reset of values and the ability to change the initial values.

Affected issues: #3015, #3004

This is probably the last of the breaking changes and hopefully I will be releasing 4.0 very soon.

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