- bugfix: Fixed overflow issues with select options when creating a virtual cluster or DevPod workspace from template (by @PRTTMPRPHT in #3457)
- feature: Add possibility to configure cost control related settings via platform config (by @johannesfrey in #3474)
- feature: Add sleepmode metrics for spaceinstances and virtualclusterinstances for cost control ROI dashboard (by @johannesfrey in #3422)
- feature: Manage a global Prometheus that utilizes Prometheus federation and the control-plane / agent tailscale network (by @lizardruss in #3458)
- feature: Manage prometheus and opencost deployments for ROI dashboard (by @lizardruss in #3423)
- feature: Support using specific version of DevPodEnvironmentTemplate in DevPodWorkspacePreset (by @janekbaraniewski in #3479)
- feature: update provider version when reinitialising workspace (by @janekbaraniewski in #3483)
- fix of a vulnerability (cve): updated k8s version, docker version, helm version and github.com/gorilla/schema version. (by @hidalgopl in #3487)
- ui: Added an empty state for the menus of dropdowns (by @PRTTMPRPHT in #3484)
- ui: Made the option to delete a parameter accessible while modifying parameters (by @PRTTMPRPHT in #3478)