github loft-sh/loft v1.10.1

3 years ago

🚀 New features

  • api: Identity providers for github, gitlab, google and microsoft are now directly integrated into loft and do not require an additional dex installation anymore
  • api: You can now use placeholders for auth.oidc.clientId and auth.oidc.clientSecret in the loft config that will tell Loft to try to retrieve the value from an environment variable
  • cli: New flag --print-token for loft use vcluster to only print the virtual cluster token
  • cli: If the environment variable LOFT_SKIP_VERSION_CHECK is set to true, Loft will not show any upgrade warnings anymore
  • chart: New chart option envValueFrom to add environment variables to the loft deployment that are loaded from a config map or secret

📦 Other

  • api: Loft will not anymore rearrange the config and delete comments and rather save the config as it was entered
  • api: Loft will now automatically restart if a config change was detected
  • api: Fixed an issue where the network policy in the default template was not correct
  • api: If a user loses access to the external identity provider, the access keys will not get disabled instead of deleted
  • ui: Fixed an issue where Loft would not show the error message in the OIDC grant view
  • ui: You can now view if an access key is disabled in the Loft UI
  • cli: Fixed a nil pointer exception in loft get secret and loft set secret when not providing a namespace

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