What's Changed
- Fix multiple resetting connection after RPCError by @Nosibb in #2096
- Stop client_listener from raising a KeyError when receiving a client_stopped message from unknown worker by @BirdLearn in #2102
- additional typing improvements by @mgor in #2106
- chore: Set permissions for GitHub actions by @naveensrinivasan in #2107
- Add ack for worker connection by @Nosibb in #2077
- fix: stopping state when running more than one worker node. by @renato-farias in #2116
- add support for custom SSLContext when using FastHttpUser by @renato-farias in #2113
- Update the link for reporting data to a database by @AlexMooney in #2119
- Convert url for getting tasks to relative by @5imun in #2121
- More robust handling of ZMQ/RPC errors by @solowalker27 in #2120
- Remove timeout parameter from FastHttpUser unit tests by @cyberw in #2123
New Contributors
- @Nosibb made their first contribution in #2096
- @BirdLearn made their first contribution in #2102
- @naveensrinivasan made their first contribution in #2107
- @renato-farias made their first contribution in #2116
- @AlexMooney made their first contribution in #2119
- @5imun made their first contribution in #2121
Full Changelog: 2.9.0...2.10.0