github ljalves/hfeasy 0v11
hfeasy 0v11

latest releases: 1v1, 1v0, 0v12...
2 years ago


  • Officially support LPB130 modules.
    • Includes gpio config preset for the plug (#25, #10 ).
  • Main webpage is now: http://<IP>/
    • Links to almost all other pages are in there.


  • Fix LWT implementation (was wrong).
  • Some fixes applied to the mqtt client code (152fc83)


The firmware is for web update only.
For LPB100, LPT100F use HFEASY_UPGRADE.bin
For LPB130 use HFEASY_UPGRADE_LPB130.bin

Warning: Firefox doesn't behave well when updating the firmware. Chrome usually works ok.

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