github livepeer/go-livepeer v0.5.4

latest releases: v0.7.4, v0.7.3, v0.7.2...
4 years ago


This is the second mainnet compatible release after the Streamflow protocol upgrade. In addition to some small bug fixes and enhancements, this release also includes a few notable new features including broadcaster support for multipart/mixed return when using HTTP ingest and message signing in the CLI wizard which enables 3Box profile linking in the explorer. There is also a Windows build! Thanks to everyone that submitted bug reports and assisted in testing!

The features and bug fixes sections below are now divided into sub-sections with information specific to broadcasters, orchestrators or all users.



  • Added support for message signing in the CLI wizard using a /signMessage endpoint on the node's webserver (#1063)
  • Updated the CLI wizard to consistently display units (i.e. LPT/ETH) for token values (#1305)
  • Reduced logging level and language of block watcher logs for recoverable errors (#1320)
  • Re-enabled Windows builds that can also be used with GPUs (#1227)
  • Add support for passing in the HIGHEST_CHAIN_TAG environment variable when building a local Docker image (using make localdocker) in order to build the image with support for a particular network i.e. Rinkeby, mainnet (#1340)


  • Added support for returning transcoded segments in a multipart/mixed response when using HTTP ingest (#1280)
    • Check out the docs for information on how to use this feature
  • Alert the user that a broadcaster's stream will not be transcoded due to the broadcaster being close to its withdraw round (when the user will be able to withdraw funds) by closing the RTMP stream (#1318 #1212)
  • Added a log statement with payment information when payments are created (#1331)
    • The log statement is only visible when the value of the -v flag is >= 5
  • Added a log statement with error information when an orchestrator found during discovery is excluded from selection (#1335)
    • The log statement is only visible when the value of the -v flag is >= 5


  • Added an active status check when the orchestrator receives a payment to make sure that the orchestrator only accepts payments when it is active since only active orchestrators can redeem payments on-chain (#1291)
  • Enabled 3Box profile linking via message signing in the CLI wizard (#1063)
    • See this forum post for more information on how to link a 3Box profile to your account

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug where temporary files created for pixel count verification of transcoded segments were not being closed causing the node to eventually crash with a "too many open files" error (#1312)
  • Changed the orchestrator discovery timeout to 3 seconds from 1 hour which was too long (#1319)
  • Fixed a bug where the broadcaster would crash with a nil pointer error during selection when the broadcaster starts up for the first time in on-chain mode and specifies an orchestrator using the -orchAddr flag (#1330)
  • Fixed a bug where the broadcaster would crash with an index out of range error during selection when an orchestrator that is missing stake (could be specified via -orchAddr) is removed (#1330)

Full list of changes

Verifying Release

md5 hashes for release binaries:

  • livepeer (Linux): 51a75d6e06b4dd57278d9a601f97443e
  • livepeer_cli (Linux): 108a6873ff81b24af67fc76e1064dd36
  • livepeer (Darwin): 1ab18bf441b9c1ba7bc220bfd8611628
  • livepeer_cli (Darwin): 11dc802d81e6e4a7c6478592c0e8a528
  • livepeer.exe (Windows): 31f6156648afd318436b749668d44cfb
  • livepeer_cli.exe (Windows): 54b0a17764e993918f4a5f1d2d56ac5b

Generate the md5 hash:

md5sum livepeer
md5sum livepeer_cli

sha256 hashes for release binaries:

  • livepeer (Linux): a669d75ad1bfb1a992eaac40a1b4f519c592b178feedfc1f48f057d03e152937
  • livepeer_cli (Linux): d8aaa47a2a7855d2c273de2ee0b7fc3793382863e1b638ee5681249b60281253
  • livepeer (Darwin): 75353fb31479dd56f58d89166e2e4381f7909e439c09a495c0129975b56a2dab
  • livepeer_cli (Darwin): 480fdacdfa77edf0a67783c57786eb3bdcbff166c79feaab975272dfc9e635cf
  • livepeer.exe (Windows): 82aa9ffd2d07654f9f397086a0d8a352e0da0f593341deb269c048f9635fd837
  • livepeer_cli.exe (Windows): c047a3c2a0e9ac78be246916ba672874ab210ed8f70d55bea4a13d0411649902

Generate the sha256 hash:

shasum -a 256 livepeer
shasum -a 256 livepeer_cli

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