github livekit/livekit v0.15.2

latest releases: v1.7.0, v1.6.3, v1.6.2...
2 years ago

Changes in 0.15.2


Ability to dynamically publish only layers that are being subscribed, significantly improving resource consumption on publishing clients. #295

Scoped speaker updates

Speaker updates will only be sent to subscribers. Other participants in the room will not receive updates. #280 #301

List rooms by name(s)

The ability to list rooms that match a particular set of inputs #290

Webhook event uuid and timestamp

Webhook callbacks will now include an unique ID as well as timestamp of the event. This enables idempotent processing of events on the listener side: #291

Track MIME type

TrackInfo now includes a MIME type field that identifies the codec used (i.e. video/h264 or video/vp8) #292

Participant name

Ability to attach a participant name in addition to identity. This should be set inside of the JWT token #293

Configurable congestion control

The ability to disable congestion control #305. This option could be set in configuration.


  • Close RTCP channel after published tracks are fully closed #286
  • Fix rare deadlock when waiting on a participant that stopped publishing #288
  • Handle IP resolution failure instead of silently failing #289
  • Fixed recording service requests for specific URL 7b0db1f

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