- Support for backup storage (#792) (#793) (#795) (#825)
- Log per egress memory usage (#821)
- Support for participant egress screen share (#829)
- Use the SDK to handle audio only room composite requests with the default template (#817)
- Skip AWS logging on successful upload (#762)
- Reduce duplicate test runs (#763)
- Fix s3logger memory usage (#764)
- Disable SDK Async-connect (#768)
- Faster startup (#769)
- Queue 15 min worth of segments (#770)
- Use config value for max upload queue size (#772)
- Disable-features Translate in headless Chrome (#775)
- Add a back off top laylist upload retries (#779)
- Remove audio with image-only egress (#782)
- Adopt AWS SDK v2 (#783)
- Force CBR for streams output (#785)
- Don't update bucket region with custom endpoints (#786)
- Set a region field when using a custom endpoint (#788)
- Ignore websocket close errors (#790)
- Avoid recording room composite before video is decoded (#806)
- Fix max concurrent web check (#810)
- Use Ubuntu 24.04 base image (#811)
- Move IO timeouts to config (#814)
- Upgrade to pion/webrtc v4 (#818)
- Kill highest memory egress when OOM (#826)
- Udpate livekit JS dependencies and call setRoom in default template (#835)