github litmuschaos/litmus 2.2.0

latest releases: 3.8.0, 3.7.0, 3.6.1...
2 years ago

New Features & Enhancements

  • Adds more secure litmus hardened alpine base images to all litmus components.

  • Fixes the image vulnerability, add security scanner and health checks for all the litmus components

  • Adds the ability to provide terminationGracePeriodSeconds inside the helper pods. This also fixes the execution of node-level service kill experiments for a longer chaos duration.

  • Refactor the experiments with enhanced logging, error handling, and go-report.

  • Adds support to execute the vm-poweroff experiment in serial or parallel sequence

  • Adds the okteto configuration to test the experiments generated by litmus python-sdk

  • Introduces E2E tests for the litmus-python repository via GitHub actions

  • Adds kyverno pod security policies for the litmus pods to enable the execution of all supported (out-of-the-box) experiments listed in the chaoshub.

  • Adds the support of the hostNetwork inside the cmdProbe in workflows.

  • Introduced a first-cut visualization of the e2e dashboard to monitor different pipelines and stability of an experiment

  • Add a new pipeline to test GCP based chaos experiments that is vm-instance-stop and vm-disk-loss tests


  • Adds frontend Bug fixes in Probes wizard, Analytics & Teaming

  • Adds Nginx configuration in a separate configMap for more configuration

  • Adds kelseyhightower/envconfig pkg for validating the environment variables

  • Adds RBAC for the newly added mutations

  • Adds Agent Upgrade feature, which will help in upgrading agents when the control plane is upgraded.

  • Moves DB_ADMIN, DB_PASSWORD, and JWT_SECRET environment variables to k8s secret

  • Adds option for adding tolerations to the agent plane components using litmusctl

  • Enhances the ChaosCenter e2e pipeline for testing with LoadBalancer & Ingress based access setups.


  • With this release of ChaosCenter, Litmus core components are upgraded to v2.1.1, which is having cmd probeSchema changes. In case users have their workflows scheduled with an older schema, they will have to update it according to the new schema.

  • For using agent upgrade feature & tolerations addition to agents plane components, Users have to use v0.5.0 of litmusctl


Litmus-2.2.0 (Stable) Cluster Scope manifest

kubectl apply -f


Litmus-2.2.0 (Stable) namespace scope manifest.

export LITMUS_PORTAL_NAMESPACE="<namespace>"
kubectl create ns ${LITMUS_PORTAL_NAMESPACE}
kubectl apply -f
curl --output litmus-portal-namespaced-k8s-template.yml
envsubst '${LITMUS_PORTAL_NAMESPACE}' < litmus-portal-namespaced-k8s-template.yml > ${LITMUS_PORTAL_NAMESPACE}-ns-scoped-litmus-portal-manifest.yml
kubectl apply -f ${LITMUS_PORTAL_NAMESPACE}-ns-scoped-litmus-portal-manifest.yml -n ${LITMUS_PORTAL_NAMESPACE}

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