github litespeedtech/openlitespeed v1.6.15
version 1.6.15 release

latest releases: v1.8.2, broken_modsec, v1.8.1...
4 years ago

openlitespeed-1.6.15.tgz is the pre-built package, extract and run to quickly install OpenLiteSpeed on Linux 64 bit platforms. If you need to change the default installation settings, update the ols.conf file before running

Two special binaries, openlitespeed-1.6.15.asan and openlitespeed-1.6.15.dbg, are also provided for use when debugging special cases. The .dbg binary is useful when debugging crash issues while the .asan binary is better suited for debugging memory leak issues.

(Comment: 8/13 updated the 3 prebuilt packages)

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