github litespeedtech/openlitespeed v1.4.34
version 1.4.34 release

latest releases: v1.8.2, broken_modsec, v1.8.1...
6 years ago

Server Core

[Update] Added request and response header logging for HTTP/2 connections.
[Update] Request body is not longer read after a response has ended.
[Update] Cached static file copies are now only created when returned status code is 200 to avoid caching pages returning status code 404 and so on.
[Bug Fix] Fixed an installation bug that could cause OpenSSL to work incorrectly.
[Bug Fix] Fixed a WebAdmin Console bug that caused Script Handler tab to be replaced by a duplicate Vhost General tab.
[Bug Fix] Fixed a WebAdmin Console rewrite map save/display issue.
[Bug Fix] Fixed phpiniOveride ignoring lines using an already encountered directive such as php_value, etc.

PageSpeed module

[Bug Fix] Fix a bug where JPEG images could not be optimized in some cases.

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