github lit/lit @lit-labs/react@1.0.7

latest releases: @lit/react@1.0.5, @lit-labs/ssr-react@0.3.0, @lit-labs/nextjs@0.2.0...
21 months ago

Patch Changes

  • #3072 94722633 - Avoid nested component props type declarations. Incrementally define what types are needed rather than nesting.

  • #3067 f3e3cddf - Fixed an error that occurs when when compiling TS. The error occurs when createComponent() is not provided an event map causing instance properties to be confused with event handlers.

  • #3111 6158482c - Removed the unexposed and unnecessary StringValued type used to correlate property names with event listener names.

  • #3132 2fe2053f - Added "types" entry to package exports. This tells newer versions of TypeScript where to look for typings for each module.

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