github liquibase/liquibase v4.28.0

one month ago

Liquibase 4.28.0 is a major release


Liquibase 4.28.0 contains several New Capabilities and Notable Enhancements for Liquibase Pro users: DATABASECHANGELOGHISTORY with Big Query, Flow file enhancements, Formatted SQL changelog enhancements, and a new --pro-strict flag
See the Liquibase 4.28.0 Release Notes for the complete set of release information.

Notable Changes


DATABASECHANGELOGHISTORY table with Big Query: See all changes that have been applied with Big Query

  • Liquibase uses the DATABASECHANGELOGHISTORY (DBCLH) table to record a history of all changes made to the database. Unlike the DATABASECHANGELOG table that only shows active changes, the DBCLH shows all historical changes, including those that have been rolled back, dropped, or cleared. The DBCLH is now available for Big Query users.
  • Learn more

Flow file usage enhancements: Full strings as single variable values, and nested variables for "double-expansion"

  • Flow files have been enhanced to allow multi-part args to be expanded from a single variable. Think cmdArgs: { "${COMMAND_ARGS}" }, which allows for more dynamic customization in the flowfile operations. Similarly, variables can include variables when expanded, which will in turn be expanded before processing.
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Formatted SQL changelog enhanced with include/includeAll functionality

New --pro-strict flag: Catch missing Pro resource files early!

  • A new optional pro parameter which alerts users when specified paths to Pro resource files (flow files, checks settings files, native executor conf files, etc) or rollback scripts are missing or empty.
  • Learn more

[PRO] Changelog

🤖 [PRO] Security, Driver and Other Updates

15 changes

(#1652) Bump org.apache.groovy:groovy-all from 4.0.20 to 4.0.21 @dependabot
(#1673) Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 @dependabot
(#1700) Bump com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations from 2.17.0 to 2.17.1 @dependabot
(#1701) Bump com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind from 2.17.0 to 2.17.1 @dependabot
(#1710) Bump info.picocli:picocli from 4.7.5 to 4.7.6 @dependabot
(#1702) Bump liquibase/build-logic from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7 @dependabot
(#1699) Bump com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations from 2.17.0 to 2.17.1 @dependabot
(#1698) Bump com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core from 2.17.0 to 2.17.1 @dependabot
(#1684) Bump commons-codec:commons-codec from 1.16.1 to 1.17.0 @dependabot
(#1668) Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.4.1 @dependabot
(#1707) Bump net.snowflake:snowflake-jdbc from 3.15.1 to 3.16.0 @dependabot
(#1695) Bump from 0.9.11 to 0.9.13 @dependabot
(#1690) Bump liquibase/build-logic from 0.7.2 to 0.7.5 @dependabot
(#1680) Bump liquibase/build-logic from 0.7.2 to 0.7.5 AI Generated Code @dependabot
(#1666) Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3 @dependabot

[OSS] Changelog

💥 Breaking Changes


🚀 New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes 🛠

🤖 Security, Driver and Other Updates

33 changes

New Contributors

  • @adaryin made their first contribution 5874

Full Changelog: v4.27.1...v4.28.0

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File Descriptions

  • Liquibase CLI -- Includes open source + commercial functionality
  • liquibase-x.y.z.tar.gz -- Archive in tar.gz format
  • -- Archive in zip format
  • liquibase-windows-x64-installer-x.y.z.exe -- Installer for Windows
  • liquibase-macos-installer-x.y.z.dmg -- Installer for MacOS
  • Primary Libraries - For embedding in other software
    • liquibase-core-x.y.z.jar – Base Liquibase library (open source)
    • liquibase-commerical-x.y.z.jar – Additional commercial functionality
  • – Contains additional, less commonly used files
    • Additional libraries such as liquibase-maven-plugin.jar and liquibase-cdi.jar
    • Javadocs for all the libraries
    • Source archives for all the open source libraries
    • ASC/MD5/SHA1 verification hashes for all files

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